Complimentary Flat Stanley Other Bands Page

This page will be dedicated to bands that members of Flat Stanley are involved in or friends with. Examples include The Silvermine tapes, Bollard, Crank and Happy Patch. Then bands Flat Stanley are on friendly terms with: Blue Bottle Kiss, Rash and King Krill, with that crazy Jason Bootle. I'll give as much information on each band as I can find and feel like typing up and it should be informative and fun for all. When you get bored click here to go back to the Unofficial Flat Stanley main page. Anyhoo the other bands are:


The Silvermine Tapes

The Silvermine tapes have a couple of songs out on this Hip To hate thing called "Apocalypse of Boredom", which is just dandy, along with some on another compilation. I must admit that not being particuarly fond of organised religion I tokenized young Pete a bit but, after hearing his work on this, my faith was restored. It's just that good. It has a kind of slow, quiet, instrumental thing going with lots of variety and real difference. There are a few songs on here, namely "Turn the lights down", "The Great International" and "The Horse and the boat song" (Jason Bootle Approved). The members of this fine outfit include both Flat Stanley members mystic Pete and Max as well as some guy(?) named Gerry Rafferty. And it supposedly would have been impossible without the following: Charley Hill-Smith and Simon Ifould (?). So how 'bout that?


Sex Bomb

Starring Dave Govett (vocals), John Gill (geetar), Max (geetar), Pete (bass) and Gerry Mitchell (drums). According to DNA they were a mixture of Flat Stanley, Happy Patch and My Love Pumpkin. Ex Flat Stanley drummer Stuart Symons describes them as "a kind of pop not dissimilar to Happy Patch or Rhubarb" with "less of a rock out feeling" than Flat Stanley songs. They were together from April to December 1993 and broke up when Max and Pete went over seas for some reason.


Grizzly Adams

Max played geetar and did vocals, Pete did bass and vocals and Gerry Mitchell played drums. Stuart Symons, in DNA, claimed that there was "more than one punter noting a Buffalo Tom influence" but as I've heard neither I can't say. They "played a couple of gigs and petered out once Rhubarb and Flat Stanley" got going.


A Wacky Detail

A few wacky little so called jams took place between Paul "My last name is my nickname" Champion, Jason "Bootsy" Bootle and Stuart Symons around July to October 1994 but "nothing really eventuated from it" except for "a few punkish songs".



Crank also appear on the Hip to Hate thing mentioned above. This band is kind of pop lowfi, a little like a snappier version of Sebadoh if you ask me. Most notably it includes Paul Champion but it also includes people by the names of Ben Allen (drums), Brett Allen (bass), Steve Separovich (guitar and maybe vocals). An extra speical live guitarist was supposedly named Pete "The Stud" Howlett (of Blood Sucking Freaks/amusing guitar lead accident or so I'm told fame). Whether this person exists or not is entirely up to you, the reader. Hmm. Again I like this band from what little I've heard. They have a wacky little thing going particuarly on the aptly named "Theme from Crank" and my personal favourite "Hey Now".



Bollard have just put out an album entitled "Happy Never After". It's well worth buying and includes a highly amusing photo of the band, which includes Paul Champion, grinning madly. Another interesting thing about it is that is quotes the old desciption of Bollard from this page, the old description I'll be leaving up so people can peruse it and see the connection.
I've seen Bollard twice now and they've been nice enough to quote this page without noting the sorce or giving away my postal address to allow for attack from Bollard die hard fans. I've also purchased the new album. Bollard mangle a mix of heavy sounding rock with much more popish styles to create a sound that should suit at least a few people. It's quite original and the lyrics have obviously been given at least a little thought. I saw them for the second time at their CD launch and they were alot better then at Propagandhi. The bass player, Nick Kallincos, seemed a little less nervous and alot more jovial, Paul jumped about more and the drummer looked less like the moleman out of Sam and Max, but still a little. Incidentally Dr Nick (white nissan pulsar) wrote "Attach Shuttlecock here" on my arm as a freakish form of pass out on the advice of the drummer, Sandy C (drums, shit talk, screams and backing vocals). I give them some kind of seal of approval not the least of which is stirred by the fact that they prove that someone has actually read this page and paid attention to it, which I'm particuarly proud of. Although they were probably doing it to get back at me for refering to one of their number as a moleman. I'm still proud. Oh. Incidentally they've sort of broken up due to Sandy becoming a father for the second time. Good for him I guess. But he should name the child Bollard in honour of the band.

The Old Bollard write up

Bollards another band Paul Champion's in. I've heard it descibed as "punk pop" and I guess that's kind of true. It's like arty punk pop. I don't know much about Bollard. I've seen them live once, at the last Propagandhi show. At the time I was impressed but I still kept fogetting the bands name. They have a weird looking bass player who can actually play his instrument mighty well. I'm not sure but I think he was playing it upside down. Hmm. The bass player does most of the singing except for the odd backing vocal given, surprisingly, not by Paul but by the strange little drummer. The drummer looks like the Moleman fron Sam and Max Hit the Road and makes strange faces as he plays. Still. The singer/bass player seemed nice. I heard him talking about how great Propagandhi were later, I think, and he didn't wear shoes and looked kind of nervous which is always an asset in my book. They're meant to be putting an album out soon. So Bollard. That's all I know.


Cerveza y Putas

Paul recently sent me an email claiming that Bootle's previous description of this band was a lod of codswollop, if that is a real word. He reckons that spanish language punk cover band Cerveza Putas are/were a "fine" band. He also gave me the following URL: and I'm now under the impression that either CyP were the largest joke ever to grace South Australia musically or absolute crap; a bunch of drunkards on stage playing covers. Visit their page and maybe make a decision for yourself. Note that it is not only better than the real Flat Stanley page but more up to date.


Happy Patch

Happy Patch is the band that Paul Elix supposedly came from. They have two things out I think. I've got one. Tis called "Hot Stuff for Psyco" and makes not mention of Paul but the other thing, which I can't remember the name of, probably does. Again it's kind of pop low fi. They never play all ages so I haven't seen them. The song "Nancy" is pretty good.


A footnote from Jason Bootle

"Oh, Paul ....... has been in the Merging Groins. Peter and Max were also in a band called Sex Bomb with Jerry Rafferty and Adam from the patch."



Rash and Flat Stanley members can often be seen chatting amicably at live shows at they aren't too bad a band. They're suppost to be a South Australian surf band or something but they don't sound like Dick Dale or anything. It's, yet again, kind of Low fi, college rock or something. I don't know. They're a three piece. They sound pretty good, they don't wear shoes, the drummer sings and they break alot of guitar strings. Their drummer will soon be playing for Flat Stanley. Jive!


King Krill

There was a rock that since the creation of the world had been worked upon by the pure essences of Heaven and the fine savours of Earth, the vigour of sunshine and the grace of moonlight, till at last it split open, giving birth to four handsome young men, complete with every organ and limb. These four young men were destined to roam the desolate wastelands for centuries until the great god, Maton deemed that the time was ripe for them to unleash their strange magic upon the unsuspecting world.

Early one morning whilst the mischevious and comely young men were frolicking in the desert the mighty Maton descended to Earth and appeared before them floating upon a golden cloud and wearing a robe of silver and beige. It was then that the almighty Maton, with a booming crash of thunder and blinding lightning provided the astonished lads with strange instruments with which to weild their powerful magic and thereby determined their destiny. It was also at this time that the wise and benovolent Maton gave each of the bewildered creatures names by which they were to be known forevermore. He called the stumpy one Corey, the lazy one became Jason (later to be replaced by someone refering to themselves as Danny , the handsome one was to be known as Warren and the other one, Rohan. It was then that another blinding flash from the heavens was manifested and then transmuted into strange characters, surrounded by a ring of fire which showed them the name by which they were to be collectively known to the masses of unsuspecting mortals...KING KRILL.

It was under this name that the four young men were to begin mesmerising all mortals who came across them and subtly changing their sad and insignificant lives so that the people became happier, wiser and more prosperous. Perhaps one day you too will benefit from the strange powers and experience the magic and wonder that is King Krill.

by Warren


The Moonies

A band Paul Champion likes and Sandy from Bollard plays drums in. Almost reminds me of That Dog with out the female vocals or slickness and alot more angst. Kind of Archers of Loafish maybe. Or Possom Dixon. I don't know. If you like that sort of thing I guess you'll like them. I think they're pretty fancy. It's kind of a professional teenangst band, but with people who have moved beyond the stage of writing "The world is black, I turn my back, and wear a sack". Biffa Bootle now plays for them and you should go see them just to laugh at his facial hair.