Corn Fed Martyr

Recorded: 1995

Format: Coloured vinyl 7"

Songs: Check Out The Sell Out, Easter Thursday, Joe Average

Recorded by Dave Lokan and Darren McBain at Big Sound Studios, August 1995. This is a lovely blue vinyley thing, 004 on the wacky Bootle run Popgun Records label (a link to which I can't be bothered typing right now as I can't find the right html for it and I've already made plenty of other links to Popgun). It's a limited edition of I think 500 and mine (which I purchased a couple of months ago despite not owning a record player, a fact I've since remedied) is 483. It also comes complete with the classic Flat Stanley photo of them playing and getting over enthusiastic and wearing goofy tight shorts and stuff. That blurred one. This is potentially the best thing Flat Stanley has ever released. It's also the shortest. Hence it's the best because it's all good songs. Here we go with song descriptions again. Feel free to scroll down, not that there's anything better down there.

Check Out the Sell Out

Starts misleadingly slow before diving into waving geetar and bouncy rhythem. Kinda happy punky stuff. Thick and heavy, sets dancin' guy off everytime. Probably one of the best Flat Stanley songs. Beautiful in it's simplicity. Palm muted occasionally, punctuated by a really lovely bunch of crazy and well timed musical madcapperies making full use of the dual geetar. A catchy geetar hook to rival I Grew Old. It's a great song live.

Easter Thursday

A very Replacements start. Paul Champion sings in an alright fashion. This isn't an all time great song but it somes pretty close. It's sort of. ya. I remember it I guess. Reminds me of the Replacements a big lot, especially the geetar and drum parts.

Joe Average

Another all time Flat Stanley classic. Sung by Pete, one of his slower but not boringly slow songs. Slow and windy geetar start. Pretty quiet. Typical wispery vocals. The chorus isn't much faster but it goes from quiet to noisy in such a way that you notice it more if you get my point. Then it goes back. Ya. It's a good song. Here's what I can make out of the lyrics.

don't have much to sing in this song not much happened in this week and with tommorow something something I find that life is pretty slow my friends I know you must know and in my garden nothing's growing.

Chorus I don't have it this way I was born that way He was born she was born that way

And weird religious cults are wrong and bombs and chickens aren't much fun and my relationships so tragic I'll tell my friends cause I'm just your average joe an average nave (although I think he means niave) Joe unlike a trooper I'm not going

Chorus followed by a real nice solo followed by an equally sudden end.

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